For more detailed instructions, navigate to the current working version of AudiAnnotate at
Step 1
Log into AudiAnnotate with your GitHub credentials and create a new project
Navigate to the AudiAnnotate application and sign in with your GitHub credentials. If you don’t have an account already, navigate to GitHub and create one by providing a username, email address, and password.
Select “New Project,” and add a title, description, and slug for your project.
Step 2
Add your audiovisual item.
Step 3
Create your annotations.
You can use spreadsheet programs like Excel or Google sheets that export .tsv, .csv, or .xlsx files to create and organize annotations for AudiAnnotate.
Begin by creating a blank spreadsheet or use this template.
- The first column should contain the beginning time (in HR:MIN:SEC format) of the annotations.
- The second column should contain the end time (in HR:MIN:SEC format) of the annotation if necessary*.
- The third column should contain the contents of your annotation.
- The fourth column should contain the name of the layer. The layer column is where you can differentiate types of annotations.
- The fifth column should contain the name of the index term. The index column is where you can reference annotations across items.
Once you have completed your annotations, download or save the particular tab of your spreadsheet you filled as either a .tsv, .csv, or .xlsx.
Step 4
Add your annotations to AudiAnnotate.
- Select the title of the appropriate audiovisual file
- Under “Add Annotations”, select “Choose file” and find your annotation file
- Configure your file so the application knows how to read each column
Step 5
Customize your AudiAnnotate project.
Customizing a Project Landing Page | Customizing an Item Page | Creating a Page
AudiAnnotate projects are presented minimally by default. However, users can add contextual information (text, photos, links, etc.) to any project page through GitHub. To do so, you will need to have basic knowledge of either HTML or markdown. Learn more about HTML through this free tutorial or markdown in this free guide.
Step 6
Share your AudiAnnotate project with the world.
Explore more work created with AVAnnotate
Anne Sexton, Sweetbriar College, 1966
This an annotated recording featuring Anne Sexton reading at Sweetbriar in 1966. The recording is held as part of the Anne Sexton Papers at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Austin. The annotations were created by Dr. Tanya Clement.